The EUROPARC network

EUROPARC Federation brings together thousands of Protected Areas in 40 countries, and it aims to promote projects that protect natural heritage as a shared good.

One of the protected areas managed by EUROPARC is the National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago, which comprises seven islands with thriving native vegetation: Pianosa, Capraia, Giannutri, Elba, Giglio, Montecristo, and Gorgona.

Elba Island is particularly noteworthy for its unique combination of nature, culture, and ancient traditions.

European Charter for Sustainable Tourism

The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas (ECST) is a measure taken by EUROPARC to enhance the management of natural heritage by promoting tourism that respects the ecosystem in the broadest sense.

It is an international certification based on five principles that define good practices in sustainable tourism management in protected areas in Europe. These principles prioritize the conservation of natural heritage, contribute to sustainable development, involve all stakeholders, plan effectively, and maintain sustainable tourism practices.

As a practical management tool, the Charter outlines a process in three successive phases that allows protected areas, their communities, and the companies that operate within them to collaborate on sustainable tourism development.

Sant'Anna del Volterraio and the ECST

Phase 1 of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST) involves destinations, particularly protected areas, that must be certified as being oriented towards sustainable tourism management, thanks to the contribution of local communities and companies.

The National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago was awarded ECST Phase 1 recognition in 2016, with a subsequent renewal for the 2021-2025 period.

Phase 2 of the ECST involves hospitality structures that operate within a protected area toward sustainable tourism.

The Hotel & Resort Sant'Anna del Volterraio has been recognized as an ECST Phase 2 certified facility thanks to its commitment to ethical and environmentally-friendly tourism within the National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago. We firmly believe in a more sustainable future for our planet, which is why we enthusiastically adhere to a set of guidelines developed under the supervision of the EUROPARC Federation and Federparchi. 

Among the practices adopted by our resort are the cultivation of a small orchard of exclusively Elban excellence, the use of an irrigation system through a well, and the preservation of a vast expanse of pristine nature that surrounds the rooms and apartments.